The electronic board that powers the USB port can overheat and ignite adjacent components, posing a fire hazard.
This recall involves model year 2021, 2022 and 2023 Freedom and Valor E-Z-GO RXV personal transportation vehicles, with serial numbers ranging from 5585710 through 5716926; and model year 2021, 2022 and 2023 Valor, Express and Liberty E-Z-GO TXT personal transportation vehicles, with serial numbers ranging from 3478457 through 3591890.
Recalled units are equipped with an optional USB charge port.
The vehicle’s serial number is printed near the base of the steering column for RXV models and is printed below the operator seat position for TXT models. These vehicles are commonly referred to as golf carts or golf cars and are used primarily to transport people.
Textron Specialized Vehicles has received 30 reports of the electronic board overheating, including two resulting in a fire with property damage. No injuries have been reported.
Name of Product: E-Z-GO Personal Transportation Vehicles (PTVs)
Recall Date: February 10, 2023
Recall Number: 23-726
Hazard: The electronic board that powers the USB port can overheat and ignite adjacent components, posing a fire hazard.
Sold At: E-Z-GO dealerships nationwide and online via E-Z-GO’s Dealer to Driver program from May 2020 through November 2022 from between $8,200 and $15,700.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled PTVs, turn the key switch to the OFF position and do not connect electric powered PTVs to a charger or a power outlet. Contact Textron Specialized Vehicles to schedule a free repair. The dealer will install a fiberglass/aluminum thermal insulation protective sleeve over the USB charge port module. Textron Specialized Vehicles is contacting all purchasers directly.
Units: About 143,000
Consumer Directions and Contact
What Do I Do if My Product is Recalled?
Textron Specialized Vehicles toll-free at 888-525-6040 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, email at or online at and click on “Recall Information” or for more information.
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