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Top Attorney For Injuries Caused By Spinal Cord Stimulators
For many, a spinal cord stimulator can be a medical device that provides desperate pain relief when all previous methods have failed. These highly complex devices are intricately installed by surgeons to relieve pain for thousands of patients every year.
For others, the placement of a spinal cord stimulator can bring life-changing paralysis and nerve damage if the procedure is done improperly or a defective product is used during surgery.
The inability to walk comfortably or even enjoy everyday life pain-free is suddenly stripped, leaving the victims wondering where to turn next.
If you or someone you love is a victim of medical malpractice or suffered an injury due to a spinal cord stimulator contact the team at Schiffman Firm today. Our personal injury attorneys have helped clients recover millions of dollars when other firms said it could not be possible. Contact us today for a free consultation of your case.
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Spinal Cord Stimulator Injuries Resource Center
What Can We Help You With?
A device that relieves pain through electrical impulses
What is a spinal cord stimulator
A spinal cord stimulator is a device that allows users to relieve pain by sending electrical impulses near their spine via a remote control.
While a few different types of spinal stimulators exist on the market, they are mainly composed of a single battery pack similar to a pacemaker, called the generator. Connected to the generator is a series of thin wires, or electrodes, that are placed between the spinal cord and vertebrae, known as the epidural space.
These components are placed under the skin, commonly near the buttocks while the remote control remains outside of the body.
What is spinal cord stimulation used for?
The most common use of spinal cord stimulators is to manage or treat different types of chronic pain. Often, spinal cord stimulation is used after other pain treatments (primarily of the nonsurgical variety) have failed to provide sufficient relief.
Common uses of spinal cord stimulation may include, but are not limited to:
- Back pain, especially back pain that continues even after surgery (failed back surgery syndrome)
- Post-surgical pain
- Arachnoiditis (painful inflammation of the arachnoid, a thin membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord)
- Heart pain (angina) untreatable by other means
- Injuries to the spinal cord
- Nerve-related pain (such as severe diabetic neuropathy and cancer-related neuropathy from radiation, surgery or chemotherapy)
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Complex regional pain syndrome
- Pain after an amputation
- Visceral abdominal pain and perineal pain
(List provided by John Hopkins Medicine)
What are some common spinal cord stimulator complications?
No medical procedure is without risk, and this includes the implementation of a spinal cord stimulator.
Complications that may occur with a spinal cord stimulator procedure include:
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Movement of the device, requiring additional surgery for replacement
- Damage to the device
By way of a fall or intense physical activity - Punctures to the dura mater surrounding the spinal cord
While extremely rare, the implementation of a spinal cord stimulator could potentially caus nerve damage and paralysis.
Can I sue if I was injured by a spinal cord stimulator?
If you or someone you care about was injured by a spinal cord stimulation procedure you should seek a personal injury lawsuit. A skilled attorney should offer you a consultation and help you discover the liable party while proving negligence.
Who is liable if I am injured by a spinal cord stimulator?
Responsibility can be placed on a number of parties if someone is injured during a spinal cord stimulator implementation procedure, or by the device itself.
Liable parties may include, but are not limited to:
- The doctor (or hospital) if negligence or breached duty of care on their part can be proved
- The manufacturer of the device if the spinal cord stimulator is found to be defective
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I am injured by a spinal cord stimulator?
First thing – seek proper medical attention.
Once you have received proper attention and any discomfort is in a manageable state, contact a personal injury law firm. Schiffman Firm offers free consultations, you can start one here.
Begin to compile your case by collecting and archiving the following:
- Medical records
- Doctors’ notes
- Personal records of symptoms
- Proof of lost wages
- Photos, if applicable
Legal Services in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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From personal injury to product liability - Schiffman Firm has the legal expertise and experience to take on a wide variety of cases with a proven track record of delivering results for their clients.
Our attorneys are always ready to listen to your case. Contact us today for a free review of your case - you don't pay anything for our legal services unless you win your case.